Sunday, July 31, 2011

it is all fun and games until some one gets a bloody lip

I cant believe it... after 5 days the man looses 10 pounds, without exercising, and the woman looses 1/2 a pound.  There is something about this that is so not fair.  Anyway, I a very excited for him and I know that this is something that we can encourage each other in. 

On Friday evening I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner and all of a sudden I heard the sound of Sawyer crying... not just any cry,  but the kind of cry when you hear them cry and then they stop making a sound because they are forgetting to breath.  I knew that something painful had happened and I turned around to see Stephen picking Sawyer to comfort him from yet another fall.  The crying did not stop with a daddy hug so I turned around again and noticed blood pouring out of his mouth.  Wow I never knew a lip could bleed that much.  The bleeding quit pretty quickly and His lip soon swelled up but with a little mommy TLC the boo boo bunny ice pack he was back to his usual self.  I am sure that will be one of many bloody lips in the life of this little boy. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

So Far so good...

Tomorrow is weigh in day... We both decided to weigh in on Friday.  This week we will be short a few days since we started on Sunday.  Not that we  plan to blow it the weekend, but for some reason it is a bit easier to eat healthier during the week.  We will see how we have done on our "sparky getting healthier" journey.  It sure is a lot easier to focus on eating right when your spouse is on board too.  We have really motivated each other this week. 

Sawyer is getting another tooth... It seems that in the past month he has gotten 5 new teeth.  yeah for his mouth, but unfortunately with new teeth come a runny nose, a cough from the runny nose, stinky diapers, and occasionally a little bit of a fever. All those combined tend to make the little man a bit cranky.  I don't blame him... I think a tooth ache is one of the worst pains. I can only imagine how he has felt. 

Despite cutting teeth, Sawyer has decided to show us just how much rhythm he has.  He loves to dance to the music of all his new toys.  It is one of the cutest things he does.  He will even raise his little arms above his head and " raise the roof"  He is growing up so fast and is learning something new everyday. We are going to wake up and we will be teaching him to drive a car...

First timer

Well well well... here I am. My first blog. 
I asked Stephen, "Hey honey if you had to title our life what would you call it?  Why?"  he responded.  " So I can title the blog that I am going to start writing." I received no help from him so the best I can do on a whim is The Three S's.  That best describes us, Stephen, Shasta and Sawyer.  This might be fun,  however,  I think I enjoy reading about the lives of other people more than I like writing about mine.  It will probably take me a little while to figure out this foreign world of blogging but I think it might be fun.  I think we have a fun life, even a little hilarious at times.

First hilarious bit of Ellenburg news... Stephen started the diet I put him on.  Not really,  I did not force him too hard! We decided together that we needed to both get it together and get a bit healthier.  I am truly motivated by a great sermon series at our church called " More".  It is an eye opening series about God given desires and appetites that satan can use to control us and eventually lead to our destruction. So we are focused thanks to the website  you should check it out... It is a free website to help you track what you eat.